Marriage therapy is a lot like individual therapy, but it focuses on the interpersonal relationship you have with your spouse. While your therapist may still spend time addressing individual issues, the majority of the time will be spent in dialogue with your significant other. Here are four things you should know about marriage therapy: 1. It can benefit you before there's trouble People sometimes think of marriage therapy as a last resort.
5 October 2020
If you are thinking about seeking out life counseling services, you may find yourself wondering what life counseling can do for you and your life. There are many ways that life counseling can help you and provide you with numerous benefits in your daily life. Get to know some of these benefits to life counseling services. Then, you can better decide if now is the time to schedule your first life counseling appointment.
16 July 2020
Marriage counseling can be challenging. In addition to getting your significant other to go with you (which can sometimes be a battle), many couples have children who they must then find a babysitter for. It can also be hard to get in to see a marriage counselor, depending on where your family is located. If you live in an area where there may not be many counselors, it could be a few months.
19 March 2020
If you're a pastor, you likely spend a part of each day helping people in your community. Perhaps you visit the elderly in their nursing homes, or maybe you meet with a youth group to help them navigate today's issues for teens. As much as you enjoy helping people, it's never a bad thing to ask for a little help yourself. While you can seek counsel from your peers, another option is to find an online Christianity counseling service and have some sessions — either on an as-needed basis or around a set schedule.
10 January 2020
Both parties in a marriage need to be empathetic of each other's needs and feelings in order for the union to be a success. Problems occur in every marriage, but this does not mean that a marriage is destined to fail or that one of the people involved is going to harbor all of the guilt associated with a rift. If you and your spouse previously decided to become business partners, but now things don't seem as promising as they once did, maybe it is time to delve further into what the issue is.
8 November 2019
While most everyone looks forward to retirement, it can hit some people in a less than favorable way. The sudden loss of purpose and structure can be overwhelming, leading to a depressed state that can be difficult to overcome. If you feel lost, lonely, and depressed in retirement, take the situation seriously. Not only do you deserve a happy and healthy retirement, but depression is a serious condition that often calls for professional help.
27 August 2019
If you have problems with addiction and you have decided that you are ready to work on getting clean and sober, you need to make sure that you have some medical help. One reason for this is the fact that you are going to have to detox from whatever substance or substances that you have been taking. There are several reasons why you need to have medical help and supervision as you detox.
24 June 2019
If your son or daughter has autism, then you know that they see the world differently than you do. This can make it extremely hard to navigate social situations and to interact with others. Fortunately, there is a special type of counseling that can help with this that is called applied behavior analysis. Keep reading to learn more about it and how it can help your child. What Is Applied Behavior Analysis?
24 February 2019
When you are ready to stop using drugs once and for all, the first step is going through detox. Since this is the most vulnerable time in your recovery, you cannot attempt to detox on your own. 1. Better Chance At Completing Detox Many people try to detox on their own and fail. Not only is drug abuse difficult to overcome, but it is also even harder to abstain from drugs when you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
21 September 2018
If your child is struggling in school, it's time to start looking for the cause. If you, or someone else in the family, suffer from ADHD, it's a good idea to have your child evaluated for the same disorder. You might not realize this, but ADHD does run in families. Luckily, once it's diagnosed, treatment is available that will help your child overcome the disorder, and excel in school. Here are four signs you should be aware of.
22 June 2018